our Mission

Trias strengthens entrepreneurial organizations around the world, that in turn support local entrepreneurs and farmers. Through tailored support for each partner, members get access to advice, small loans or training.This enables them to start a business or grow further. In this way, they gain more independence and sufficient income to give themselves, their families and their community a decent life.

Two pineapple farmers walking near a field in Uganda.
Pineapple farmer in Uganda walking around his property

our Vision

Trias takes a stand against an unfair system in which discrimination, corruption and climate change hinder the prosperity of millions of people. We are therefore resolutely going for system change. Trias wants everyone in the world to be able to become an entrepreneur. Because we think that’s the key to financial security, independence and a sustainable future for many. Trias joins forces with thousands of family entrepreneurs, because by uniting and taking the lead themselves, they are stronger. This is how Trias creates change in society, from the bottom up.

why would you SUPPORT US?

If you think it is important to contribute to a better world, than Trias is a valuable partner. Through our commitment, years of experience and above all through our passion, we are your ally to help build a just world with equal opportunities and a sustainable future for everyone. We do not use our time and resource to conduct expensive campaigns, but direct them towards results in the field. If you, like Trias, find this important, your support is meaningful to us and therefore very welcome.

GOALS 2022-2031

We strengthen 88 entrepreneurial organisations, reaching 7.4 million individual members.

We do this by working with them on transparent policies, democratic representation and sound financial management. In this way Trias makes itself superfluous in the long term.

Read everything about it in our strategy note.

Guatemalan woman drinking coffee

our focus

Pictogram for inclusion

inclusion & global citizenship

Women, youth and other minority groups are fairly represented in the management structures of all our partners and help determine policy.

Pictogram for climate change

climate change & environment

Our partners create a sustainability plan so their members start producing more sustainably and are more resilient to violent weather events caused by climate change.

Pictogram for business development

business development & market access

All our partners have services for their members so they can improve their production, in an eco-friendly and inclusive way.