Roadmap for gender mainstreaming in member-based organisations

In many farmers’ organizations and associations of entrepreneurs, when it comes to decision-making processes, there is generally a low participation of young people, women, people with disabilities or people who are socially or economically disadvantaged. Trias plays an important role in this strengthening participation by providing trainings on leadership and inclusion to the members of these organisations. In doing so, we try to illustrate that everyone benefits from an inclusive society. 

What is RUTA?

The “RUTA trajectory” offers MBOs a structured approach around different stages and tools:

  • The specificity of RUTA is to start from the constraints specific to each organization, in order to facilitate adhesion and appropriation.
  • The RUTA is not confined to one-off training awareness actions, but offers developing a specific action plan for each MBO, and monitoring its implementation to measure changes.

how does it work?

  • Awareness: at the end of the introductory session, the MBO chooses whether or not to follow the gender trajectory.
  • Self-diagnosis: via focus groups and a gender diagnostic questionnaire, the MBO conducts a self-assessment. the objective is to to identify the main gender constraints within the organisation and the measures to respond to them.
  • The action plan: based on the self-assessment, the MBO leaders draw up an action plan with the help of Trias. This plan sets the activities, the responsibilities but also the indicators and the expected results. The action plan is validated by all members. For operationalization, actions are integrated into the organisation’s monthly and quarterly activity plans.
  • Monitoring: Both The MBO and Trias carry out regular monitoring of the implementation of the plan, to measure progress and make adjustments. The effects are collected in a participatory way and data on leadership and access to resources are updated annually.
  • Institutionalization: after 3 years of implementation, certain changes have been integrated into the rules and statutes of MBO and contribute to the culture of the organization

“We are the future and the present, we are a fundamental part of the organizational process, we have the capacities to contribute”

Salvador Vasquez (CONFRAS, El Salvador)
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The participatory approach:
Both MBO leaders and grassroots members are associated with the different stages of the trajectory. This broad participatory approach, promotes support and ownership.

Demonstrate the importance of inclusion:
The approach consists, not in formulating prescriptions, but in raising awareness by demonstrating the advantages of inclusion.

Sensitized and committed leaders:
The personal commitment of leaders is a key success factor. Strong in their position, they are able to convince and inspire changes for more inclusion in their organisations. Leaders who are aware and committed to inclusion are resource persons on whom to rely to sustain and scale up the trajectory.

“Participating in this trajectory was beneficial for me, it gave me good ideas. Thanks to the trainings on inclusion, women and young people come quickly to the meetings – whereas before they did not participate.”

Mariam OUEDRAOGO (President of the Sinignassigui group, UCRB, Burkina Faso)


With Trias’ support in El Salvador, our partner Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores(as) y Trabajadores(as) de Comercio Justo (CLAC) incorporated an inclusive approach to gender and youth in its strategy and regulations. This led to actions promoting leadership and participation of women and young people, reaching 7,455 people in 24 countries in Latin America.